Saturday 4 June 2011

There are no workshops currently scheduled

Info on.....

Christopher Hansard,
Master Practitioner of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine

For more extensive information: (information on Christopher Hansard) for general info.on workshops, history and more for Christopher's regular update
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About Christopher Hansard:

     Christopher practises as a Psychological Trauma Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. He also practises Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy(ACT) and is a CCC registered Counsellor and Schema Coach.

     He is also a physician of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine, trained since childhood, and an international workshop and seminar leader in the areas of health, mindfulness, well-being, humanity and spirituality. He is the author of three best selling books on pre-Buddhist Tibetan medicine, health, lifestyle and spirituality.

     Christopher's books were first published in the United Kingdom by Hodder & Stoughton and in the U. S. A by Simon & Schuster. Each of the books took traditional Tibetan medical, psychological and healing wisdom and showed the readers how to apply these principles to improve the quality of their lives without any prior or specialist knowledge of Tibetan culture or beliefs.
     The books are:

"The Tibetan Art of Living: Wise Body, Wise Mind, Wise Life";
"The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: Successful Thoughts for Successful Living",
"The Tibetan Art of Serenity: How to Heal Fear and Gain Contentment"

     His bestselling books are published in over 20 languages and various English language editions including e-books. He has been a keynote speaker worldwide on health, society and well-being and has twice spoken at the Oxford Union.  Christopher has written regular columns on health and well-being for British national newspapers and magazines.

     Christopher is also invited to give his opinions to key individuals on social trends, geopolitical and economic scenarios and outcomes caused by the changing psycho-social, emotional and resource based demands on society. 

     He has had a radio show with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation and has written regular columns in the British National Press. Christopher has also been featured in The Sunday Times, The Times, The Financial Times, The Independent, The Scotsman, Scotsman on Sunday, The Daily Telegraph, Vogue, The London Evening Standard, The Daily Express, Mail on Sunday and many other publications and general interest magazines. He has appeared on both radio and television in the United Kingdom, and globally.

     Christopher works with emotional and psychological aspects of serious and terminal illness including tropical illness and disease. He assists clients who experience depression, grief, anger, anxiety, identity, religious and spiritual crisis, internet harassment and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He works with patients experiencing chronic medical illness, tropical illness, Chronic Pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Repetitive Stress Injury and Fibromyalgia and psychogenic illness and a wide range of emotionally related physical ailments.

     He runs a general practice in Tibetan Dur Bon medicine treating a wide range of common and more serious health conditions. He teaches well-being and lifestyle skills and mindfulness training for business people, artists and public figures. His clients and patients come from all parts of the world and all walks of life and backgrounds. He practices in Mayfair, Central London, England and a member of the following organisations appropriate to his areas of work:

United Kingdom Association of Humanistic Psychology Practitioners;
International Association of Cognitive Psychotherapy
United Kingdom Psychological Trauma Society;
European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies;
International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies;
Association of Traumatic Stress Specialists;
Society for Clinical Mindfulness and Meditation;
Association for Contextual Behavioural Science;
International Society for Mental Health Online;
International Association of Coaching;
International Association of Facilitators;
Association for Death Education and Counselling;

Royal Institution of Great Britain;
Fellow of Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures & Commerce (RSA)
Royal Society of Medicine; Fellow of Royal Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene;
British Holistic Medical Association,
International Association for the Study of Pain
The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London
(Faculty of Crisis and Catastrophe Medicine)

Quotes and Reviews:

'This man certainly practises what he preaches. If recent events illustrate the creeping sickness pervading our world, perhaps he is among the few who not only have a rare insight into reversing the decline but possess a profound conviction that the prognosis is good. ' ...Jenni Ameghino, The Birmingham Post

'Christopher is one of life's true teachers. Christopher is a true genius who can lead us
to a new enlightenment as well as a state of vibrant health.'
...Normandie Keith, You Magazine, Mail on Sunday

'Christopher Hansard contributes a wise and powerful voice to contemporary spiritual thought.'
...Marianne Williamson, Multiple Best Selling Author

'His fans talk of the “profound level of treatment” he offers
and his encouragement to patients to look after and heal themselves.'

'Hansard has an extraordinary healing gift' ...Kathy Phillips, The Evening Standard

'Christopher unblocked the pain of the rape which I'd buried along with a lifetime of lesser unresolved hurts. I began to see that my life had somehow got out of balance, that I was frightened of my own emotions, that something inside had become disconnected and this was my chance to do something about it-to gain rather than lose from a terrible act of violation.'.. Fliss Coombs, The Daily Telegraph

'Now, don't all rush. Hansard's gentle, holistic approach might just be the ticket.'
...Rose Shepherd, The Sunday Times Magazine

'His dedication to the healing arts is palpable.'... Lee Randall, Scotland on Sunday

'I was looking to build a more balanced life. I wanted something professional with a spiritual edge.'
...Douglas Brown, The Financial Times

'Christopher Hansard is clearly a modern apothecary'
....Catherine Bassingdale, The Evening Standard


     "I had never considered going to a workshop of any description until a friend persuaded me to attend a workshop with Christopher. It was one of the most profound experiences in my life. Christopher was able to help me change so many aspects of my life. Some of this change was immediate and some changes became apparent months later. Take the chance, go, be ready to work, but enjoy the benefits for years to come."

     “Christopher Hansard’s workshops are like none other; he uses his healing methods on each person individually and personally but in a collective sense. One leaves after these unique events with an understanding of our humanity and belonging in the world around us, awakening and realising the processes that have led us into unskilful responses and disease inducing patterns. I have found his teachings very in tune with our Native Indigenous teachings of human relationships with the Earth. They seem to come from the same source'

     "My first workshops with Christopher were deeply moving and powerful experiences, rich with ritual. He gave me many practical experiences in my heart, body and mind that made me realise my connection with things much larger than myself, and within myself. The profound nature of those experiences have remained with me ever since. Subsequent workshops have addressed different aspects of me that need to heal and grow, and I feel that they have had a fundamental and enormously positive impact on my life. I strongly recommend that you attend one of Christopher Hansard's workshops."
“The workshops facilitated by the remarkable Christopher Hansard, are for anyone who wants to get to the root of the issues that block their lives...quickly.  His methods are unorthodox, compassionate, sometimes wickedly funny, but always designed to WAKE people UP.   The most  powerful blueprint for self-guided personal change I have ever encountered in 15 years of intense searching. I am grateful for having met this man.” 

     “As individuals concerned with ecology, we have found Christopher’s work invaluable in comprehending and attaining achievements related to healing ourselves and the world that nutures us.”
      “He has changed our lives immensely and empowered things I would have though impossible. Christopher’s teachings go beyond borders, colour, race, culture, beliefs and attitudes, encompassing all in an amazing flow of infinite compassion and wisdom overlaid with a powerful dose of unpredictability…….enough to shake one loose from restricting, inhibiting negative patterns, bringing true healing .”

     “Christopher teaches authentically with passion and authority to reach the depth of each person present. He awakens us, through the fears, anxieties and painful issues of our ordinary lives to an extraordinary aspect of ourselves; a place where, grounded in the natural world, movement towards transformation becomes irrevocable.”

     “Attending Christopher Hansard’s  workshop  was an exceptional milestone in my life. It brought an amazing awareness and insight of myself, the world around me, and my place within it. Although I had no previous experience of his workshops, and no particular expectations, I can truly say that it was one of the most uplifting and remarkable times I have experienced.”

A Picture of a VaradEhr from a previous workshop...

                        The VarahdEhr is an ancient symbol of creation and intent

17,000 Year Old Wisdom;
Integrating Ancient and Contemporary Viewpoints

     “If I were to write an article about Christopher Hansard, it would probably be short.  I would not try to tell you about the man, of which I know little.  I can tell you that if you were to look into his eyes and give him a chance to spill out, you would also be giving yourself a chance to spill, perhaps to love this life you have.  In retrospect, at least for myself, I had to be ready, to be open, to my chance (planned) meeting with Christopher, whose being was able to set up a scenario in which I could recognize love and for that I will be forever grateful”  …K. Street, 2004

“It is better to live one day as a tiger than a thousand years as a sheep”  ...Christopher Hansard

     CHRISTOPHER HANSARD is a Master of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine with his central practice in London, England and conducts workshops and consultations around the world. He is also a Psychological Trauma  Therapist and Therapeutic Facilitator. Practicing Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and is a CCC registered Counsellor and Schema Coach.
 According to the “Bon” teachings of the Northern Treasure School in the Amdo Mountains of Tibet, he is a LhaKhu or “Thunder Being”… a person who materializes on this plane every 700 years in order to help change consciousness.  When one looks into the history of Bon and of Christopher’s teachings and purpose, one begins to have an idea of the depth of such possibilities. 
     A “LhaKhu” - a Thunder Being of Christopher’s stature, is known as an incarnation of the energy of medicine. Described as a bolt of lightning because he possesses a powerful energy, he is considered an awakener of consciousness.  He chooses and designs his life before being born, then creates the right processes to fulfill his purpose.  Coming at a time of great worldwide upheaval and dissatisfaction, the LhaKhu shows people how consciousness manifests itself in illness and helps awaken them to their innate healing potential.
His personal history and training is quite remarkable….
    Christopher was located through ancient divination and astrological knowledge by the Elders of the tribes in the Amdo Mountains in Tibet.  His specially trained Tibetan teacher, Urgyen Nam Chuk, a Dur Bon Ngagpa, located him at the age of four, playing on a beach in New Zealand with his parents.  Christopher was expectant and reluctant to leave until he saw his teacher walking towards him on the beach when they recognized each other immediately.  Christopher was acknowledged as a LhaKhu by his teacher and with the compliance of his parents, he then began his training in the psycho-spiritual and shamanic teachings of pre-Buddhist Tibet. Christopher’s parents wanted him to have a standard education as well, so on the weekends, before and after school and during holidays, he received preliminary training from his Tibetan teacher.  At the age of eight, he began a 19-year study of Tibetan Dur Bon Medicine of the Bon Northern Treasure School. His training was rigorous and disciplined.  His education spanned training in major surgery, 27 forms of acupuncture, 27 physiotherapies, 11 thousand  herb combinations, 11 forms of psychophysical therapy and 108 psychiatric practices.  “I was taught a system of medicine whereby I could look at a plant substance and, based on instinct and extensive botanical training, would know how to use it, no matter where I was in the world”.  By reading 300 pulses on each wrist and looking at the eyes, skin and tongue, he can immediately interpret illness and essential life problems.
      The time is ripe for ancient knowledge integrated with contemporary insight and wisdom.  Taking the best of what has been passed down (and meticulously so through hundreds of years of committed teachers), doorways are opening for these teachings to permeate and guide our consciousness into a better understanding of who we are and what purpose we serve.  These ancient Bon Teachings are the foundation of many cultures and Indigenous teachings present today have similarities that preclude individual and separate evolution. Christopher’s teachings go beyond race, color, creed and culture, bringing out the inherent humanity within each person through the acknowledgement of our origins and empowering and reconnecting us to our roots.
     “Simply by the act of starting to heal your life, you spark the healing of others and of the world in which we live. You don't need to force this idea on other people. The quiet act of living in accordance with who you are and who you can be allows the natural influence of goodness to grow.

     We are not separate. We are all the face of whatever God we believe in. Although we are all born and die with inequalities, we must strive to attain a common equality that lies not in external achievements but in the spirituality, the unity, and the beauty of our humanity.”
…from “The Tibetan Art of Living, Wise Body, Wise Mind, Wise Life” by Christopher Hansard.
The Dur Bon teachings present an integrated, holistic system of traditional and current healing practices…a process of empowerment… which has brought wellness, health and happiness to many people, some that modern medicine had given up on.  
      Christopher Hansard also teaches, writes columns and articles, lectures and holds workshops around the globe and is the author of three best-selling books that have been translated into over 20 languages and are currently on lists… “The Tibetan Art of Living, Wise Body, Wise Mind, Wise Life”, “The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: Successful Thoughts for Successful Living” and “The Tibetan Art of Serenity: How to Heal Fear and Gain Contentment”.           
Deer at Workshop 2005